What are THE BEST Bugaboo strollers? (2021/2022)

TL;DR: For all-round versatility, you simply cannot go wrong with a Bugaboo Fox. Every other Bugaboo stroller is much more specific in use (and not much more compact nor lighter). From the discontinued models, the Bugaboo Buffalo is one of the best-rated strollers ever, and for two kids, there's nothing quite like the Bugaboo Donkey.
Everybody's so hyped about Bugaboo. From the times Cynthia Nixon aka Mirada Hobbes had a Bugaboo Frog in Sex and the City to today's Gigi Hadid and her baby girl Khai Hadid Malik in a Bugaboo Lynx, we simply cannot ignore the ultimate prevalence of Bugaboo strollers in terms of high-end prams and pushchairs. The old-times Bugaboo brand flagship Bugaboo Cameleon might just be overcome by the better Bugaboos, though...
So why is Bugaboo so expensive?
Well, one thing would be the brand itself. We all know you always pay for a brand - and much more so if it's already established as a good one. The Dutch Bugaboo brand started in 1999 as a design project too good to be only a project. Focusing on innovative style as well as technologies used, it found trendsetters and quality-seekers alike. The presence of celebrities and artists that even collaborated on some of the limited version didn't hurt Bugaboo's reputation either 😉.
That is also why you see it everywhere - like, for example, in the streets of Stockholm. If you look at how stylishly AND functionally Swedish gals dress, you won't be surprised they usually push their little ones around in a Bugaboo.
To add to the design factor, there's also the quality. It is not easy to combine that low of a weight (yes, Bugaboos are very lightweight for mostly being full-featured prams) with a design that is longlasting (just check the classifieds, you'll still see old Bugaoo Gecko and Bugaboo Cameleon+ strollers being sold as well functioning).
As any stroller in the world ever made, each Bugaboo model has its own downsides, but overall, they win with the design and quality ratio that much that many people are willing to pay their (quite high) price knowing the stroller will be not only pretty but also usable for two kids and after that, still sold.
One of the important factors is also the availability of spare parts. Also, the possibility to get fabrics and canopies that one can change, refreshing the look of the stroller, is a fantastic idea from the point of modern lifestyle as well as longevity of use.
Are Bugaboo strollers worth it?
This, as always, depends on how you think of the Bugaboo strollers and the price tag issue. Of course, the margin that Bugaboo gets from the price has to be considerable, looking at how much they're growing. On the other hand, the demand affects the price a lot - and there's a lot of demand, so Bugaboo can afford to charge as much.
The thing is that you're most probably truly are going to use a Bugaboo pram to the fullest once you decide on the right type and style. And even with a Bugaboo being very expensive, its functionality and longevity/repairability combined with the re-sale value (what you get back when you're done with it) make a Bugaboo actually not that expensive of a choice in the long run.
Which is the best Bugaboo stroller?
From a general point of view: Looking at every aspect of what one could want from a stroller - even the impossible "lightweight but for any terrain" combo, the Bugaboo Fox 2 is probably the best bet (and the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, thinks so too, getting a Bugaboo Fox 2 herself). In autumn 2021, the Fox evolves, even, and the new Bugaboo Fox 3 will replace the second generatién (Fox 2).
The Fox wheels are well-made and quiet (no rattling!), the nice weight (there are not many prams weighing less than 10 kilograms while being maneuverable on pretty much any terrain), the fantastic canopy coverage with a large viewing window... And there's also ample storage.
Many are afraid that Bugaboo strollers - the Fox as well - are rather low to the ground and therefore not the best for tall parents... but the Fox, at table height - even if maybe not as tall as Stokke strollers, is a taller model, and dads normally have no problems pushing it (as opposed to a Bugaboo Cameleon 3+ which is quite lower to the ground).
The Bugaboo Fox 2 / future Fox 3 doesn't have it all, of course. As a lightweight all-terrain, it is not the most compact model there is. Many moms fault it folded size - mainly the one with the seat attached, but it's an OK (not the best, not the worst) size for a full-sized stroller and for what it can do.
I need to mention the Bugaboo Buffalo here, too, because that is one of the best-rated strollers of all time, honestly. This model has a "fault" of being a bit more heavy/robust, but it can survive almost anything, which is a great plus. The thing is, however, that it is DISCONTINUED. And as such, I can hardly say it's the best - if you cannot just go into a store and buy one. To be honest, though, it certainly is one of the best Bugaboos (and strollers) in the world.
And! An honorable mention is necessary for the Bugaboo Donkey side-by-side double. From the single-to-double strollers usable for one as well as two children to the side-by-side design that favors both kids in terms of view as well as bonding, there's nothing quite like it. It is, of course, on the bulkier side, but no other brand offers you this width, this versatility, these awesome mix-and-match large canopies, this twin friendliness - and in such quality. For twins or for sibling close in age (I wouldn't go further than 18 months' difference, give or take - for very large toddlers, the Donkey seats are too small), the steering and the ease of use are simply unbeatable - given the re-sale value later on as well.
A new, updated Bugaboo Donkey 5 was just released in January 2022! ^_^ April 2022 also made us happy by bringing a new travel-perfect Bugaboo Butterfly, which immediately got to our Top 2022 ultra-compact strollers' lead for its quality and a whopping 56cm tall seatback!
What is the difference between the Bugaboo Fox and the Bugaboo Lynx?
The Bugaboo Lynx is a newer addition to the Bugaboo portfolio, and it is a more budget-friendly model compared to the Fox. It took a lot from the older, less all-terrain design of the Bugaboo Cameleon stroller - like the less-comfortable two-hand recline as well as smaller wheels. Also, the affordability of the Lynx is achieved by not including the pram (carrycot) fabric set with the pushchair itself, meaning you save money if you don't need it or have to purchase it separately if you do.
Which Bugaboo is the smallest / lightest?
The smallest Bugaboo stroller would be the Bugaboo Ant weighing 7.2 kg - and a folded size that fits cabin luggage requirements. The Ant is, however, a TRAVEL ultracompact buggy, and as such, you cannot think of it as an everyday full-featured pram. It is too small - and many say - too wobbly and with a tiny seat to add to it - to be considered a pushchair comfortable on a daily basis.
From the full-featured Bugaboo strollers, the smallest is the Bugaboo Bee 6, now available in the Bee's 6th version that is the original Bee's 5th generation, actually, but who cares about the numbers 😉. The Bugaboo Bee6 stays one of the most popular reversible urban buggies that appeals to style-oriented city parents not only by its unique design but also by the fact that it's the only Bugaboo stroller offering a lie-flat seat.
Is Bugaboo a good stroller choice, then?
If you can afford it, and it suits your lifestyle - definitely yes. From the point of quality as well as style - and the later value when selling it, there aren't many brands on the Bugaboo level.
I wouldn't be afraid of a Bugaboo - even if defined by Merriam Webster as "an imaginary object of fear." 😊 There's nothing to fear (except maybe the high price that gets evened later when you sell it). It truly might just be worth the price - if you can afford it, and you don't mind their bucket-style seat units. If you kind of can't but truly feel like owning one, nothing stops you from looking at classified ads - the resale value of a used Bugaboo Fox that you will be the second owner of and then sell is still considerable. Also, there are always outlets and sales to check out.
And if you're one of those that simply don't want to overspend and will be just OK with something less high-end/simpler/less pimped-up... or you need something that not everybody has... there are so many options to choose from. Bugaboo is a good one - but not the only one by far.