July 2024: Strollberry is sunsetting.Here's why July 2024: After 6 years of working on Strollberry in my free time, it just stopped being sustainable. Find out more. eli
18 parent reviews

Lightweight and easy to handle.

  • Lightweight pushchair
  • Easy to fold
  • The wind gets in through the unprotected canopy sides

Beautiful rich purple color. Lightweight and easy to handle.

  • lightweight
  • easy handling when folding, unfolding
  • stable
  • spacious
  • 5-point safety belt
  • the front handle on the stroller is quite high - but that's just a detail

Very light and stable frame. Ideal when you need to frequently fold in and out of the car. Folds very easily and handles well. The SPORT version has inflatable wheels which are great for harder terrain such as pebbles, sand, forest path. The positioning is great - you just pull the drawstring and adjust as it suits you. The material is easy to clean. The storage space under the stroller is large. The only small minus is the front handle which is quite high, so for the baby (10 months) it obstructs the view.

  • Storage - fits in Skoda Fabia, and still with some space for a bit of shopping
  • Folds with one button and folds inwards
  • Large basket, nothing falls out
  • Positioning of the handle
  • Appearance
  • Large canopy
  • Detachable belly bar system
  • Magnet hole in the canopy - does not disturb baby when you open it
  • Tackles (on inflatable wheels) lighter terrain just fine
  • More suspension and it would be perfect

Too bad it doesn't have suspension, otherwise it would be the best in the world. Lightweight, compact, goes over rough terrain - worse terrain with a bit of rattling, but it can go over it, which is the most important.

Nice looking, great to handle

  • Light
  • Superbly compact
  • Pretty looking
  • Front wheels sometimes behave weirdly 🙈
  • The hood lets the wind blow in

A great choice for me. Nice looking, great to handle :)

  • Lightweight
  • Compact
  • Leg positioning
  • Back positioning
  • Ventilation when baby is lying down, can just have a mesh behind their head - great in summer
  • Four-piece hood
  • Large storage basket
  • Price

A great pushchair. Compact, lightweight, with a - literally - huge storage basket. We are extremely satisfied, even my husband praises it.

A top of the line stroller in every way

  • Lightweight
  • Compact
  • Spacious
  • Extended canopy
  • Large wheels
  • Look
  • No suspension
  • Higher price

For me a top of the line stroller in every way. It's definitely a leap up from the almost 15kg pushchair from a 3in1 set we had before.

The stroller is compact and most importantly really lightweight. It handles well. The canopy can be extended almost to the child's feet. It has a beautiful look, the leatherette handles are just snazzy. Unfortunately it doesn't have suspension, but it's not a stroller for difficult terrain anyway.

Not practical for me

  • The canopy opens up to your feet, ensuring darkness while the little one sleeps
  • Easy to handle
  • Beautiful design
  • Winter footmuff - points down, since it cannot be attached anywhere - Valco has a net behind the backrest, so the footmuff cannot be attached through there either
  • The handle has been wobbling since the second week

A beautiful stroller, driving characteristics great, but for practical needs, not as awesome. The seat belts are very difficult to lengthen or shorten, I actually have to set aside time before a trip to do this, because you can't do it right away with a baby in the stroller. A footmuff cannot be attached. The handle wobbles... Disappointing for me, not practical for me.

For me, the Valco Trend is a great choice. I changed our classic Valco Snap for this one. I'm tall, so the longer handle - and adjustable - is a big bonus, plus I had to adjust the step a bit with the old Valco Snap (not a problem with this one). Plus the handle doesn't narrow down, which bothered me with the old model.

But I often read on Facebook the problem with the front wheels and chassis with this type of Valco, so for us the front wheel rubbed a little, but over time riding on rough terrain the rubbing disappeared.

The only drawback over the old Valco is the seat belts - they are not sewn on the side with a plastic loop where I tied a pad behind them, but in the middle of the seat - and the plastic loop for attaching the pad is missing.

Otherwise a top-of-the-line pushchair for me though. Lightweight, folds up with the sitting part inside so I don't have to take the footmuff off when folding it into the car. Too bad it doesn't have suspension.

  • design
  • height
  • adjustable handle
  • large super extendable canopy
  • weight-lightweight
  • front wheel rattle
  • does not sit well on the road- wheels vibrate in the air

Beautiful, lightweight, super extendable canopy, high enough (also suitable for tall people)... I was just totally into it until we went outside and the front wheels started to rattle like a little tractor... horrible... the next day we were returning it.

I am sorry there's no original changing bag attachment on the stroller. Also, I am sorry about the wheels that sit a bit too loose in their joints. Otherwise, it's a nicely designed, quality stroller.

We kept it for our second daughter as well

  • Large hood
  • Lies flat
  • Very large seat surface
  • Light
  • Compact
  • Air-filled tyres
  • The sitting position is not 100% upright (you can work it out with a rear supporting strap that you add)
  • The front wheels tend to "jump" when you go fast or over a bumpy surface

TOP class stroller, we loved everything about it. We kept it for our second daughter as well.

I returned it after a week

  • Pretty design
  • Lightweight
  • Compact
  • Lies flat
  • Inflatable wheels
  • XXX hood
  • Quite a large basket
  • Crazy turning of the front wheels, I was told there was some king of error with my batch
  • No suspension

I returned it after a week because the wheels were turning like crazy.

The BEST in every way


For us the BEST in every way 😃

  • quality materials
  • comfortable seat
  • big, sturdy and easy-to-access basket
  • a perfect hood with a full coverage
  • air-filled tires
  • removable child bar
  • compact fold
  • weight
  • large chassis (I take it as a downside, but I don't think it will be a downside for everyone)
  • front wheels don't \sit\" on the road that well"
  • \shallow\" seat"

This pushchair is beautifully and practically designed, but it doesn't sit well on the road, and the front wheels vibrate. I don't like its look that much either...

Not much in the price-performance ratio. I returned it.

For me, a big disappointment

  • Large sleeping surface
  • Air-filled wheels
  • Quite a tall handlebar, not great for short mums
  • Not sturdy enough, it tends to flip backward when the child is napping
  • The sitting position is not upright at all

I had to return the pushchair to be repaired after one walk with it (thank god for the warranty) - so, for me, a big disappointment.

  • One of the lightest strollers there is (if you don't take into account the simplest buggies of cheap trash)
  • Huge canopy that covers almost the full stroller
  • Super compact
  • Great to push around
  • Reclines almost flat (almost 180 degrees) and so, it works even for the babies that don't sit yet
  • Very easy to fold and unfold (if there are no accessories on)
  • Easy to remove the accessories
  • Practical storage pocket and a large basket
  • Various accessories to choose from (even \stupidities\" like a phone holder)"
  • No suspension
  • Handlebar can be adjusted, but it only has three relatively unusable positions - normal, higher and even higher
  • Accessories like the bumper bar, leg cover, bottle holder have to be removed before folding
  • Everything (except for the bumper bar) has to be bought extra

There NO suspension, but it has inflatable wheels that are better on uneven surfaces, compared to the classic foam wheels. Not that great on real uneven terrain, however,

Weight is stated differently everywhere. The manufacturer says 15lbs = 6.8kg. Different web pages said 6.2 kg to 9 kg. I put it on a scale and it showed 8.4kg (18.5 lbs).

Leg rest positions - yes, there are 4, but one goes upwards, meaning to use it, you would have to 'break' the baby's legs, so the fourth position is pretty much unusable.

  • It's lightweight
  • Spacious
  • With a large hood
  • With a large basket
  • With an adjustable leg rest
  • It folds inwards, so no dirty inside of the sitting surface when you store it in your trunk (or anywhere else)
  • Only three positions of the handlebar
  • Leg cover/apron is sold separately and not so smooth to put on

An excellent pushchair with comfortable manipulation. Nice design, but I would appreciate more colors to choose from.

Absolutely not worth the money

  • Lightweight
  • Spacious
  • The wheels were faulty from the beginning (even new!)
  • Metal parts of poor quality
  • Tailormade fabric materials poor as well
  • Eco-leather handlebar cover
  • Squeaky handle

I was looking forward to this pushchair since I was happy with the basic Snap 4 with my firstborn son. After a few days, I just got very disappointed, because the wheels were faulty, vibrating and turning like crazy. There is, to add to it, a gap between the chassis and the canopy. The Eco-leather handlebar covers slide down with use. Also, the handle started to squeak very loudly. After that, I put the pushchair away, because I couldn't take it anymore... Today, after I put it all together and up, I found out that an important metal part located in the lower part, where the rear axle with brake, just broke. It's completely unusable, so I am filing a claim. I must say I wouldn't want it for free even, anymore, and I paid the full price for it :woman-facepalming: Absolutely not worth the money.

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