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All user reviews of Baby Jogger City Mini Zip

All user reviews of Baby Jogger City Mini Zip

Baby Jogger City Mini Zip stroller detail review
6 parent reviews

Worth the investment

  • excellent compact folding - in the car I carry it under the back seat and we have a car seat with a supporting leg... fits better than an umbrella buggy
  • it's not a rattle like other buggies, it's more like a pushchair
  • the handle is non-adjustable but nice and high, even for taller parents who slouch over other buggies
  • the sprung wheels handle the terrain like cobblestones, a light trail, but I wouldn't take it to the gravel and other harsh surfaces
  • 5-point harness, adjustable, good fastening which the child does not unfasten by himself
  • cup holder for the parent
  • extra large hood, like neoprene, does not overheat and does not get soaked by rain
  • mesh at the back, possibility to ventilate
  • a large basket for a buggy, with good access from the side or the front
  • the wheels are rubber, but they get rubbed off a bit (aesthetic problem)
  • the newer model city mini tour lux has even better suspension and a reversible seat

Top of the line. I have tried really enough and this one stayed until the end of our stroller-needing time. It is worth the investment.

Even my husband was thrilled with it!

  • excellent handling
  • materials
  • spacious & comfortable
  • large wrinkle-free canopy
  • storage
  • carrying capacity - 25kg
  • weight - it is lightweight
  • I found nothing

Our last and best stroller. I regret not buying it sooner.

Favorite stroller of both of my sons - they argued over which one to take on. Everything about it suited me. Even my husband was thrilled with it!

  • Weight
  • Sturdiness, durability
  • Maneuverability
  • Compact after folding
  • Good also for taller parents and larger toddlers
  • The seat fits even a winter footmufff
  • Price
  • It's not a full-featured pushchair

A very good stroller, something between a pushchair and a buggy. It can be steered even with your left hand even whel it's fully reclined. It is not a full-featured pushchair, though. It is not enough for an only stroller. It can tackle lighter urban terrain, it doesn't rattle like an umbrella stroller, but it is not a soft ride over anything. It is simply a very lightweight stroller and you shouldn't expect more than from such a type.

There's the large canopy, the spacious seat, and a good-enough basket for its category. It can be folded one-handedly, but you need to get used to such folding first. The best things about it are the low weight (even when fully loaded, it feels like such), the great foldability and compactness, and the sturdiness - you are not afraid it will fall apart.

The price feels questionnable as I think it could be cheaper, since it's not a full-sized stroller.

The best choice for a toddler

  • Lightweight
  • Compact when folded
  • Spacious even for a 3yo sleeping child
  • For a travel stroller, it can roll through grass, gravel, field roads
  • Basket access

The best choice for a toddler, in my opinion. We have it as a travel stroller from 1 year up. I am keeping it for my second.

  • easy fold
  • spacious even for my 4yo
  • such help for vacations!
  • compact but generous in space
  • small but functional, quiet wheels
  • large UPF protective canopy
  • I don't think I found any - I would maybe make it even smaller to be able to be taken on board of a plane :-)

This buggy is so loved in my family... My little one is 4 years old, and I still couldn't imagine being without our Baby Jogger. You know it, you are on vacation, and you want to do a little sightseeing, and the child complains that he can't walk anymore... hell on earth. That is why we took it with us and used it every single day. I recommend this model because of the large UPF protective canopy and the rubber wheels handling all sorts of terrains (we were ok even with cobblestones) 🙂 And the most important thing - no rattling.

Very lightweight, very good push, very compact

  • Compactness
  • Weight
  • Manipulation
  • The hood is not held well in place - a very strong wind makes it fold back up

An excellent buggy. Very lightweight, very good push, very compact.

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