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Maria says:
"It’s huge and therefore not that „urban“"
and gives the Thule Urban Glide 2

Maria says:
"It’s huge and therefore not that „urban“"
and gives the Thule Urban Glide 2

Thule Urban Glide 2 stroller detail review
This is just one of the reviews of the Thule Urban Glide 2 stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Thule Urban Glide 2 detail
  • Works very well for running and very uneven tracks, so very specialised use. Before having a baby, I thought this sounded great, but in reality, we don’t do as much of it
  • It’s huge and therefore not that „urban“, hardly fits in a car boot (even of a bigger car) and very big to take to cafes and shops
  • No reversible seat, no tummy time window in the baby cot
  • Seat is very slanted, baby tends to slide down

Works well for running and hiking, but consider how much of it you’ll actually be doing overall once the baby has arrived.

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