I have it only for a few days. Compared to the Trailz, which I had as well, the comfort of the ride is a bit lower - less suspension, harder ride. The size of the seat is great - my almost 1m tall daughter is ok height as well as width-wise. Fuss-free backrest adjustment, one-handed. The leg rest adjustment is, however, a bit too delicate for my taste (not sturdy enough). It is more lightweight than the Trailz but heavier than my other pushchair (Valco Snap 4 Sport).
It can go through grass or stones rather easily, but you will feel it. It is also because the wheels are solid, non-inflatable. Since it's my first one without the air wheels, I cannot really compare, but the wheels don't seem to pick up gravel in the foam. I can push it with one hand without any problem, but as my DD weights circa 16 kg, I do feel I have to push it. The front part of the chassis creaked from the beginning, but it was really cold outside, and I haven't gotten to lubricate the wheels. Overall, the chassis feels sturdy enough.
I only really mind the leg rest, which seems quite fragile. It could be less plastic-y to withstand when the child pushes into it or stands on it...
The shopping basket is super-large, with very nice accessibility. It is sturdy and high enough not to get scratched when getting up curbs πThe canopy holds in place, even though the joints are a bit stiff there. Sometimes, I need to pull on the left as well as the right side - otherwise, only one would move forward...