We bought this pram for our baby a year ago - it looked great, and the selling points that the pram would keep her warm in winter and cool in the summer made it a no-brainer for us. Unfortunately, we felt like we had no brains for getting sucked in when it came to actually use it!
The carrycot was so difficult to get on the base - my baby usually ended up in a full-scale meltdown before we made it out the door. The pram constantly pulled to one side when being pushed, which made walking uphill extremely tiring and difficult, and also meant that we couldn't rock her in it to keep her asleep once we got home.
The tire deflated after 5 uses and we were told that we should be carrying a pump with us everywhere we go - so much for all-terrain and being good enough for 'Nordic winters', the wheel managed to deflate in mild weather, being pushed around a shopping center and tarmac streets! Maybe it would have fared better being pushed up a steep rocky mountain??
The car seat, which came as part of the travel system, had 0 head support for a newborn, and we had to buy a separate insert to keep my baby safe.
Noordi's customer service was abysmal, and they were extremely rude when informed of the issues we had experienced, basically stating that we had a choice of all the prams in the world, so it was our problem for picking theirs - hardly instills a lot of confidence when they can't even defend their own product with more than that!
Avoid this company and their products at all costs - we were able to claim a full refund and went for a Venicci instead, which is amazing - I just wish I'd go for it first!