I absolutely love this stroller. It is in another class than the rest of them. I am a grandmother and bought it for my first grandson, now six. It was supposed to have been used at my place when they are visiting, but my daughter loved it so much that she had sold the one they bought and used the Maclaren.
My second and third grandchildren are now also riding in Maclarens. The older one is at my house now for when they are visiting. Me and my children will not buy any other stroller.
It is easy to fold, to store to travel with and it seems as if the babies also love it. The covers are durable, easy to remove for washing, as well as beautiful. We just love the footmuffs. We like to take long walks and now in winter, it is a fantastic accessory to the stroller.
The expandable handles make it easier for the men to push the stroller. The men are also happy with it. We have even influenced some friends to also buy Maclaren strollers and they do not have any regrets. They are just as happy as we are.