This is just one of the reviews of the Inglesina Electa stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Inglesina Electa detail
- carrycot/newborn usability TOP (love the stand for home use)
- fabrics
- padding
- design
- finishes
- lie-flat seat
- large hood in theory
- super low carrycot
- weak suspension
- wobbly hood
- front wheels getting stuck in holes
- quite a bulky fold for an urban model
It's a love/hate relationship with this stroller.
I really love some parts (carrycot <3, fabrics, padding, design, finishes, lie-flat seat, large hood in theory...) but I am so annoyed by others (super low carrycot, weak suspension, wobbly hood, front wheels getting stuck, quite a bulky fold - I expected a smaller fold for an urban model)...
I would recommend it for city living, SHORT parents, and mostly for from-birth use. It is super lovely and the carrycot even if low to the ground, is sooo comfy for newborns... But it's not as comfy for tall dads, bad terrain, and if you expect something super sturdy.