This is just one of the reviews of the Britax B-Motion 4 stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Britax B-Motion 4 detail
- I had a limited edition - design
- bad center of gravity
- hard to ride
- clumsy
- the wheels were frequently deflating (several times a month we had to inflate back up)
- bad folding
- always when folding, I slammed my hands and stuffed the mess from the ground into the hood
- bad positioning of the back - it was impossible to pull 2 straps at the same time, one always got stuck
- leg positioning
For me, a terrible pram. Never again, after a month we passed it on. Bad center of gravity, folding was bad, I had bruises from it (maybe because I'm shorter).
Too heavy, bad back positioning, badng leg positioning, bad manoeuvring. I was expecting much more from it, as everyone was praising it, and for me it was a complete disappointment. But a hundred people, a hundred tastes...