This is just one of the reviews of the Brio Go stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Brio Go detail
- Extra large bassinet and seat
- The seat can be clicked on in both directions
- Fantastically cushioned! Dampens uneven pavements
- Adjustable footrest
- Reclining position
- Spacious shopping basket
- Great quality materials and long service life
- Easy handling and folding
- Adjustable handle, suitable for shorter and taller parents
- Due to the materials used, more weight (you will feel it especially when loading the stroller into the trunk ;-) )
We bought the stroller in 2011 and are still using it (summer 2020). 5 children from our family have already grown up in it, and soon the sixth will ride in it. This is a testament to its very good quality, it will outlast just about everything - from babies to kindergarteners. So the initial investment is definitely worth it! And for those of you considering buying a ridden one - you also have nothing to worry about :-)