This is just one of the reviews of the Babystyle Oyster Zero stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Babystyle Oyster Zero detail
- Suspenion on all 4 wheels
- Extended canopy
- Easy folding/unfolding
- Baby has plenty of room
- Spacious basket that is easy to access
- Adjustable footrest (2 positions)
- Any backrest position you need
- Easy handling
- It is very lightweight (I usually carried it in one hand, and our not-so-light lady in the other :-) )
- Takes up just a little space in the car
- The colour does not fade even in the sun
I was looking for a stroller that would fit easily in my small car. Since we don't have a lift, it had to be lightweight. I wanted our little girl to have plenty of room and not be "cramped" in it; it had to be reclinable and seduce me by its looks. These were the criteria I used... However, I didn't know at the time that I would also use the extended canopy so much - I saw it as an extra rather than a necessity.
It was love at first sight 😍 The leather handle with the handle gives it a touch of pizzazz and just goes to show that details matter 😊 And I'm still happy with my decision.
P.S. It can handle the terrain with ease, it's not just for city streets :-)