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The best all-terrain stroller for a 9 months old

Bec • 22 Dec 2022

Hi Eli, can you advise me on the best all-terrain stroller please? It’s mostly for walks across grass / mud etc but want to use it in town for coffees too (we currently have the M&P Strada and it’s hopeless for most things).

I was thinking 3 wheels and fine to face the world as my baby is 9 months and hates facing me now anyway. Ideally, not one that is huge and complicated to get in the car. Only other consideration is we hope to have another baby sometime soonish so not sure how all that works or maybe I worry about that nearer the time!!

Thanks in advance x

Eli • 22 Dec 2022

Hey, Bec,

You are right, a three-wheeler facing the world is the better option for sure. It will have to be a tad larger as it needs to have big wheels, which will help you o over grass etc. with easy - which also means a bit wider chassis.

My best bet would probably be the Baby Jogger City Elite. Super nice flat folding that is quick ;-) Also worth mentioning are the Thule Urban Glide 2 (a bit long though), Bumbleride Indie, the BOB strollers with a swivel front wheel, the Uppababy Ridge, and the Mountain Buggy Terrain V3.

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.