Hey, Ayelet,
Honestly, you picked two pretty much lower-to-the-ground strollers. The Electa, I personally found to be low as well, especially with the seat, and heard multiple taller parents having problems with kicking it or feeling it's low for them, so besure to try that one out in person if that is something you might be worried about.
The Electa is a lovely pram, perhaps a bit harder (not as soft suspension); especially with the carrycot, it is roomy and comfy for the baby. So if the bassinet part is your main focus right now, that might actually be more comfortable and the better pick.
However, I find the Cruz a bit more practical, even with a bit smaller - lower bassinet, the bassinet is anyway used for about half a year and then discarded, while you'll be using the seat at least 1-2 years (often the parents change the stroller about 2 (1.5-3) years of age of the toddler as they only need something simpler, smaller, lighter at that time the child runs around a lot).
About the bucket seat (read more about those here), I wouldn't worry too much. I mean, yes, there are babies not liking that, but there are also babies not liking lie-flat and also reflx babies needing that small angle. If you plan to use the carrycot those about 6 months, and put the 6mo baby into a full recline, whether bucket-style or lie-flat, you should be ok. You anyway will know the preferences of the little one after they are there, not before.
So, what to choose. I would recommend trying out both to decide. Also, both are solid models so no worries, no big mistakes there. Personally, I would also check the Bugaboo Fox as an alternative, and the Cybex Mios from the lie-flat models as well. Just choose with your heart, if any feels better for you, go for it.