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A new pushchair under £500 suitable for long, terrain walks as well as for public transport

Caro • 19 Apr 2023


If you were buying a new pushchair for a tall 1 year old - under £500, £300-400 ideal - keen for suspension but not necessarily 3 wheels, decent storage and comfort - what would you pick? We want to be able to go for long walks - on fields/muddy paths but also concrete walkways. We have a lightweight umbrella stroller for travel so that is covered.

I'm hesitant about the three wheels for city life/public transport - does this make the back set of wheels wider and therefore hard to get through gates/doors, etc.? I already get stuck occasionally with the third-hand, extremely battered Mutsy Evo we currently have :-) But maybe 3 wheels is fine too. Thank you so much!

Eli • 19 Apr 2023

Hey, Caro,

I think a three-wheeler, if you don't go for the very large, jogging ones, is actually a very nice, maneuverable thing. Yes, some do get wider, however not really wider than 60-65 cm, which will fit any door in any case. SO unless you live in a very unconventional space (like a crazy old house with a tiny door) you should be just fine with that. I personally would definitely look at a Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 (the City and Mini words are there for a reason, especially because of the super flat fold), and the Thule Spring is also a nice model. Also check Phil&Teds strollers as they are very very maneuverable. You cannot really do better with a four-wheeler of a similar size, honestly.

From the four-wheelers, something like the Gesslein S4 is a superb option, suspension-wise, however it is not available everywhere. The Valco Snap Sport is a light, not-soterrain option, but for some uneven terrain and city living it is also a nice option.

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.