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A compact stroller for walks in the forest and an 11mo child

Nana • 13 Sep 2023


I love to go take my 11 month old daughter for walks in the forest and I’m looking for a stroller that will handle that well but also fit in my trunk. ATM I have a Cybex Priam stroller that I love, but it too big and heavy to take in and out the trunk of my car and then I have a small travel stroller, which I currently have in my car, but it doesn’t handle off roading very well. I’ve been looking at the Thule Spring because it folds up quite small, but it doesn’t look like it’s the best for off-road because of the lack of suspension on the wheels even though it’s a 3-wheel.

Do you have suggestions to which stroller that would fit my needs please?

Eli • 13 Sep 2023

Hey, Nana,

I would definitely look at the Baby Jogger City Mini GT2. It is similar to the Spring, but more suited for bumpy roads, a bit more spacious, too, while folding really flat.

There's also the Britax B-Motion 3 Plus which is a bit bulkier, though, and not that available anymore. And lastly, the TFK Dot 2 is a very small buggy but with very nice wheels for such use, however, again, not available everywhere.

Personally I would go for the Baby Jogger.

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.