
All user reviews of Roan Coss Classic

2 parent reviews

I've only tried this stroller in the store, but it grabbed my heart with its design, so I decided to order it. It had the perfect suspension compared to the modern design prams' frames - which caused such hard impacts in the front part (where the head is) when trying to swing those.

As for the handling, I found it easy, although you have to gently pull up the front wheels and spin to turn. This is probably just a matter of habit, although it's true that the pram has been empty so far 🙂. The lady saleswoman lady reminded me of a customer who said that she absolutely can't feel the fact that she has to make such a thing when she is controlling the stroller, and she had a child already in the seat part.

On the other hand, when crossing curbs, I think it is much harder with front wheels that swivel than with these retro wheels, which are fixed. For now I give the pram an "eight", when I try it with my little one, I'll write how things are in real life 🙂.

I do love the retro design, and it also passes so well through our not-that-perfect countryside terrain. The carrycot adds a modern twist to the classic look of the pram; it is of average size, which I find to be enough. I loved the extendable carrycot hood - not all prams do have that. We used the carrycot for circa six months, and after that, my little one anyway wanted to see the world better - so we moved to the seat unit.

The seat is nice in size, and I think it will last even for a bigger child. I do feel, however, that the pushchair mode is a bit cumbersome and doesn't drive as smooth as the pram configuration. It just seems to be heavier and weirder to drive, mainly if on normal surfaces, streets, or in shops... also, I cannot say I love this hood as much as the one on the carrycot. I think we will keep it for a bit more time, and then only for harsh terrain, and we will get something smaller and more compact better suitable for a toddler.

For what it is, and the price as well, I must say it is one of the better and very stylish choices.

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