- comfortable
- sturdy
Practical and strong, sturdy. My little one enjoys sitting and napping in it. The seat is upright enough, which I like as well.
- maneuvering
- roomy seat
- thin basket fabric
- foam handlebar
The pushing and turning fit me well. The seat is roomy. I'd want the handle to be covered in leather rather than foam, and the basket fabric feels too thin.
Nice, but quite difficult to push. You can't really push it one-handed - the more so when you need to lift it up a kerb since it's hard to lean backward.
- easy to put up
- handling
- only forward-facing seat
- not stable enough
Easy to put together and easy to handle. A disadvantage is a forward-facing-only seat - I want to see my baby, I realized. Also, the stability could be better.
- very lightweight
- foldable
- large hood
- easy cleaning
Very lightweight, pleasant to fold, with a large hood, and easy to clean.
- spacious, comfortable padded seat
- large basket
- large hood
- design
- backrest
- folding
It's so hard to put the backrest back in the sitting position, and in the laying position, it kind of reclines on one side more. The folding gets stuck at times, so no one-handed folding for me. I expected a little higher quality. 😒
Super comfy for the child - she loves to sit in it. The front wheels rattle a tiny bit on very bumpy surfaces - otherwise, the maneuverability is good enough. It is not that easy to get up a curb - but the comfort of my baby is worth it.
- padding
- quality wheels
- extra large basket + rear pocket
- hood (thin, and weird fit on the sides)
- foam handle
- a little bulky
- handle doesn't adjust
- bumper bar gets dirty
- strap system of backrest recline
It's a bit bulky after folding, and I am not sure I like how the hood fits (also it's not the thickest one) - but overall functionality is good. I like the padding and the huge storage space (pocket in the back is perfect for my keys).