< Stroller

Betty says:
"You can get everywhere with it"
and gives the Inglesina Magnum

This is just one of the reviews of the Inglesina Magnum stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Inglesina Magnum detail

You can get everywhere with it

  • Large carrycot
  • Spacious
  • Quality wheels
  • Beautiful design
  • I found no cons

We bought this pram pre-loved. I didn't want a modern one because I needed a large carrycot for winter - and I don't regret this purchase. It's great, quiet, and you can get everywhere with it. Harsh terrain, village roads, bad or snowy roads - you name it... I don't mind that it doesn't feature swivel wheels - it is easy to push nonetheless. It folds nicely into the car boot, just - we have an extra small boot, so we have to remove the wheels, but that's ok.

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