Chicco One4Ever
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Chicco One4Ever

see 1 parent review

Parent reviews of the Chicco One4Ever

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if you own(ed) it, own it ;-)
parents say thx^^
  • Lie flat
  • Easy to adjust recline
  • Rear facing
  • Large canopy
  • Uncomfortable handle bar
  • Wheels which sick
  • Weak frame

Compact and lightweight stroller that has rear facing and forward facing option. Easy to change recline position on the move. Lie flat position, with huge canopy. One touch fold. Too much to ask? YES! The front wheels stick so it is impossible to push on a straight line. I ended up keeping the front wheels locked all the time just so I could actually go anyway. This meant that I had to push down on the handle bar to turn any corner and the frame then broke after 2 months use. The handle bar is also at a really weird angle so makes it uncomfortable to push.

Your questions about the Chicco One4Ever


Can't wait for the review! How does this compare to the Recaro Lexa Elite?

Hey there,

I say the original presentation and although I can say it looks shiny and cool, the seats, although different and transforming from a first to a second, toddler kind, did not seem as practical and did not recline fully in the toddler part (which doesn't have a super well thought of leg rest). I personally feel that the Lexa Elite feels a bit higher quality, and the seat a bit more practical. Personally, I would probably go for that, or just the Recaro Lexa for longevity.

I hope I did not disappoint you.

.eli - 13 May 2023

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