Adamex is a brand offering strollers, Group 0+ car seats and related accessories on the domestic - Polish - market, as well as in other European countries. Adamex strollers are offering modern solutions and a wide range of color combinations. Thanks to the robust chassis equipped with soft suspension and large wheels, Adamex strollers can typically handle even a more challenging terrain. The carrycots of the 2in1 or 3in1 stroller systems are spacious and well ventilated. The soft padding there provides comfortable and safe sleeping space for the baby. If you like retro-type strollers, Adamex offers various models in traditional style - a good example being the well known Katrina. Stroller systems such as the Barletta Retro Deluxe or Marcello are offering a blend of traditional and modern elements. For everyday use, you may prefer swiveling front wheels - popular choices include the Barletta, Vicco or Aspena. There is also the new Avator featuring a new, more compact chassis.