
All user reviews of Bébécar Ip-Op Evolution

1 parent reviews
  • A lot of bells and whistles
  • An awesome seat
  • You can choose a different type of bassinet - even if the manufacturer doesn't state it in the promotional materials
  • Height adapters for the bassinet and the seat
  • High-quality materials and detailed design
  • Excellent driveability
  • No kicking the chassis while walking
  • Rubber wheels option
  • Different colorways and materials to choose from
  • The pram is like new after the first child
  • The brake is not flip-flop friendly - you'll get your shoes dirty
  • Compact folding is not its forte - it's rather bulky
  • The canopy clicks loudly as it's adjusted and this can wake up your baby (the noise is softer after some time - it will get better over time)
  • The suspension doesn't allow for rocking the baby; it's just to absorb some shocks

A pram with many bells and whistles to show off! I had multiple prams already, so I wanted to try out some less known model - from those mainstream brands, none really stood out for me.

The Bebecar brand I at first put aside and didn't really consider, but when I looked at it the second time, I started to think about it more and went to try it out in the shop. We ended up taking it home then and there 😁. It's not crazy lightweight, nor it's an all-terrain monster. Still, there are many reasons to buy it. It's really high-quality, and you'll notice that immediately, even from far away - and the same goes for details. It's certainly not that type looking like cheap plastic covered with paperlike fabric. The suspension only absorbs some shock (no rocking the baby), and the ride is therefore not as soft, but the push is great anyway - incomparable to prams without suspension. We opted for rubber wheels, and those never got stuck; the ride is smooth and quiet.

Any giver part of the pram can be bought separately - and all the components are compatible between different models (at least at the time we bought it). We wanted the largest bassinet normally meant for the Stylo Class model. It's super spacious and with a backrest that you can lift and adjust... The colours and materials are also optional, and all I say are actually so much prettier than when you look at the picture of them un the catalog...

The frame is made sturdier with the basket upper part that also works for getting it up a curb, into public transport, or up a stair with your foot. But for normal-height curbs, you don't even need that. The push is great, no problem to push it even with only one hand - but there's the folding button in the middle of the handlebar, so that could be a thing to be in your way a bit. Still, I often used only one hand, and it was not hard work to push it. Even cobblestones, rails or gravel were ok to drive on - and there's no bar in the rear part to be kicking. Very harsh terrain, of course, won't be comfortable to push it on - it's not an all-terrain model.

The seat is incredible. It's one of the things you'd get this model for (of course, there are other things, but still...). Even while being reversible, it's still very spacious - even I fit in it (and I am not that tiny ;-) ). The canopy is not immediately over the backrest, so even a larger child has space there, without the canopy pushing into its head. The seat reclines fully, and the sitting position is also fully upright. There are also those nice sides to protect the child. Apart from when the backrest lays flat, the canopy covers the child up to the bumper bar, and with the apron, you can make a protective "bunker" for your child. The highest point of the backrest can be adjusted individually as well, meaning you can make an almost-carrycot for your child from the seat. The bumper bar and the sides are covered with a wipe-clean material, which I appreciated a lot. The leg rest allows the fabric to be put under the base, leaving there only naked plastic for an older child to put dirty shoes on. The whole seat is softly padded and very comfy.

The option of height adapters to make the seat or bassinet higher up is also fantastic. I always put the bassinet higher up to have my baby closer to me and not to have to bend over too much (I am quite tall). We also used it quite a lot with the seat, when my daughter was younger - for her to see us, and or us to easily hand her her toys or wipe her little mouth... This I minded with those low-positioned seats on other models - that the child doesn't see you that well, and/or you have to go around to get to the child. Like this, you also get a better feeling that the child is not in the height of exhaust fumes as much... For when she was older, we put the seat without the adapters so that she could climb into it by herself. With a heavier child, the pushchair is also more stable.

In my opinion, this pram is simply great, and I haven't found a better seat anywhere else. After one child, it still looks like new; I will not sell it; I am keeping it in the family for more children...

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