< Stroller

cindymindy says:
"Suitable for the city as well as a village"
and gives the ABC Design Zoom

This is just one of the reviews of the ABC Design Zoom stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to ABC Design Zoom detail
  • Variability in the use of the separate parts (car seat, seat unit, bassinet)
  • Large shopping basket with a reflective element
  • Mesh part of the hood
  • Wide choice of colors
  • Height-adjustable handlebar
  • Difficult maneuverability when entering/exiting pavement (getting up and down curbs)
  • Seat unit not suitable for a bigger and heavier child
  • Rusty wheel screws

Since my daughters have a very small age difference, I was looking for a stroller with a comfortable seat unit and large bassinet clicked on at the same time. The Zoom meets all these requirements.

The bassinet is truly super spacious, and I also like the seat unit. The seat units can be clicked on the chassis so that the children face each other but also face the opposite directions. The seat has 3 different positions. Even though 2 kids ride in it, it is rather easy to push. However, both hands need to be used for pushing, which seems logical for the type of the stroller. A spacious and easily accessible shopping basket is great for big shopping (even our baby bike fits there). The shopping basket has a reflective element. A mosquito net is sewn in the hood. I noticed that during the wet weather, the screws on the wheels started to get a bit rusty.

It is suitable for the city as well as a village. I do not recommend it for uneven pavement. For storing the Zoom you will need a lot of space. However, I don't regret purchasing it 😉

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