Relatively spacious bassinet, lasted us up to 8 months. Handles well and the seat is fine too, but handling is a bit worse when riding with it facing the parent.
The pram goes everywhere, it has a sturdy construction. Doesn't rock really. The price is reasonable. Quality of workmanship is high. Washable cover in the bassinet. Very spacious basket, carries a lot.
We have been riding with it for almost two years and will soon switch to the bassinet for the second. There is a window on the canopy of the bassinet, which cannot be fully closed, so sometimes the sun shines in. The advantage is the net right next to the bassinet in the pocket on the bassinet.
The apron is not very good, it doesn't cover completely up to the canopy, so it can blow into the stroller. The canopy opens up well on the stroller, so it's almost dark when the baby sleeps. We are overall more than satisfied.