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What car seat brands are compatible with the Graco Evo XT stroller?

magda • 21 Sep 2021


What car seat is compatible with Graco Evo XT stroller? Does it have to be a Graco one?

Eli • 22 Sep 2021

Hello, Magda,

The Graco Evo XT stroller is compatible with Graco car seats, of course, and those don't even need an adapter to be attached to the stroller frame thanks to the Click Connect system. It was often supplied with one, e.g., the Graco Snug Safe or SnugEssentials.

No other car seats can actually be clicked on as Graco didn't provide adapters compatible with this pushchair - you need to pick any Graco car seat with the Click Connect system if you want to create a travel system. So there's no way to attach a Maxi-Cosi, Cybex, or other better & better-known car seat brand.

Your -very berry- Eli.

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