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A stroller expert helps
Strollberry stroller expert Eli answers Q&A made for mums a stroller expert answers:

What age to move from the newborn setup (car seat, carrycot) to the next stage seat unit?

What age to move from the newborn setup (car seat, carrycot) to the next stage seat unit?

Kate • 14 Nov 2021


At what age do you transition from the newborn compartment to the next stage seat?

Strollberry pram expert Eli answers mums questions Eli • 14 Nov 2021

Hello, Kate!

This varies very much, depending in the size of the baby, the roominess of the carrycot/car seat, the season (fluffy/less fluffy clothes) and on the parents' preference, but I can tell you that, in general, it is around 6 months of age. It can be sooner (about 4-5 months) or later (7-10 months), if the bassinet is super large or the baby calm enough not to need a better view.

The only important thing is not to put your child sitting if the child didn't sit up by itself, without any help - I mean, you can even use the seat unit in the fully reclined, lie-flat position right from birth, if the baby is truly in the flat position.

I absolutely recommend reading this article I wrote about the topic of passing on to the pushchair setup/seat unit, it will talk about this problem much more in-depth.

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.