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Looking for a compact pram that’s airplane compatible and can parent-face

Sioanne • 13 Mar 2023

Looking for a compact pram/stroller that’s lightweight, airplane compatible that has both world and parent facing seats.

-Parent facing is important as I’m a deaf Mum - baby currently 10 weeks old. He doesn’t take well to his carrycot so considering a stroller-style pram that is suitable from newborn.
-Often travel using Ryanair.
-Currently have Mamas and Papas Occaro, but really struggling with it due to the heaviness and the size following on from a traumatic birth and recovery.
-Have a Renault Captur which deceptively looks like it has a big boot, but doesn’t!
-Budget wise- we are looking to buy second hand, but if your suggestions meet our dream pram, will buy new!

Any suggestions or advice greatly appreciated!

Eli • 13 Mar 2023

Heya, Sioanne,

It is VERY hard to find a reversible stroller that is cabin-size compatible. You need to understand it will mean A LOT of compromises, especially seat and wheel size-wise. Also, Ryanair is even stricter with their luggage.

That said, I will recommend the Recaro Lexa Elite and the Cybex Eezy S-Twist² as the only ones I can think of that would tick your requirement of a travel stroller that reverses. It may be they are not the easiest to find second-hand.

Your -very berry- Eli.

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