July 2024: Strollberry is sunsetting.Here's why July 2024: After 6 years of working on Strollberry in my free time, it just stopped being sustainable. Find out more. eli
A stroller expert helps
Strollberry stroller expert Eli answers Q&A made for mums a stroller expert answers:

Easywalker Mini Buggy: Does this stroller fold up to fit in a Mini Cooper boot?

Easywalker Mini Buggy: Does this stroller fold up to fit in a Mini Cooper boot?

Julie • 03 Oct 2022

Does this stroller fold up to fit in a Mini Cooper boot?


 stroller question
Strollberry pram expert Eli answers mums questions Eli • 03 Oct 2022

Hi, Julie.

As the folded stroller is 100 cm (1 meter) long, I think it will be a real struggle to put it in the Mini Cooper boot. It might be possible with the seats folded or after (quite annoying) removal of the wheels, but it won't be comfy. I would not go for an umbrella type of a stroller with a Mini Cooper, rather think of an ultracompact, e.g. the Miley2.

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.