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Babystyle Oyster Zero vs. Valco Snap Trend – which one of them has a longer seat/laying surface?

19 Feb 2020


Could you please advise me which stroller would be a better choice - the Babystyle Oyster Zero or the Valco Snap 4 Trend? I need a lightweight and compact stroller with enough of the total length of the seat surface (for napping) that can handle an occasional light terrain (uneven pebble road, grass)…

Thank you.

Eli • 19 Feb 2020

Hi there!

I'll try to make a little comparison for you because it is difficult to say generally which one is "better"- each to their own, and everybody needs something a bit different.

I preferred the folding system and the mild wheel suspension (you will be still able to feel the movement of the wheels) of the broader (seat-wise) Oyster Zero from the British Babystyle brand. On the contrary, the total seat length here is slightly shorter compared to the second model mentioned. However, I did not have a problem with my four-year-old (sometimes I used it even for both of my two sons at a time).

The total seat length of the Valco Snap Trend is longer, but this stroller is slightly heavier and features no suspension. Therefore, handling any terrain without the optional air-filled wheels may be a struggle, but could be manageable if not passing through such often.

Personally, I prefer the Oyster, but Valco is definitely not a bad choice – it depends on your requirements and priorities. If handling the terrain is essential, I would actually favor the Baby Jogger City Mini GT2.

Your -very berry- Eli.

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