Hello Eli, I have difficulty to find a stroller that fits my needs. I have almost 2 year old daughter. We are planning summer vacation and I need a second stroller that fits either on board or to hard shell suitcase up to 60 cm x 50 x 30 cm (I had an umbrella buggy before and they ruined it) I should have rubber or other good wheels with suspension (I had Joie Brisk and the wheels were very worn out after few months). It should have ideally larger canopy and flat possition for the naps.
I would like to use it afterwards as my 2nd stroller for car trips - for the city only, and cobblestones here and there. I thought of X-lander X-fly, GB Qbit all terrain, Kinderkraft Nubi2, or other but fron the photos I cannot tell what would suit me the best. There are so many. I love your website and all the advice you give! I would be grateful for any help. Thank you very much.