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A light reversible stroller suitable for cobblestones

Chiara • 16 Apr 2024

Hi Eli,

First of all thank you for all the helpful information!

I’m looking for a lightweight stroller that can handle cobblestones for walks around town. I’d like it to be as lightweight as possible (under 8kg would be amazing!) but I live in Italy where cobblestones are very common in the city center and we can encounter unkept urbain terrains occasionally.

I don’t want to spend over 500-600€, and my baby is 4 months old.

I really like the Nuna Triv Next which also allows to face the child both ways (I’d love to have this feature), but it’s very expensive! I also really love the Joolz Aer+ but I’m afraid it wouldn’t handle cobblestones very well and I would have to wait for my baby to be 6 months to use it.
The Nuna Ixxa also looks amazing but just like the Joolz, I reckon is not amazing for cobblestones. If it wasn’t for this, I would have probably chosen this one as it is very light and allows baby to face both ways.

I only mean to use the stroller for short walks around town, I don’t plan on using it on rough terrains as I also baby wear quite a bit. I’m open to any suggestions!

Eli • 17 Apr 2024

Hey, Chiara,

Sorry to start with disappointing info, but a stroller under 8 kg will never be ok on cobblestones. In general, cobbles are stroller enemies, and the lighter a stroller is, the thinner and looser the chassis, plus the smaller the wheels. And to be comfy on cobbles, you need a sturdy, suspension chassis (= heavier) and larger, ideally inflatable wheels (= heavier and bulkier). So it's good to be braced for that.

Another thing is that very very few strollers are reversible WHILE being so light, the few exceptions are super small in the seat and again, with a smaller frame and wheels, again, not ideal for cobblestones.

My suggestion is to look at lightweight mid-size strollers that are not reversible, just to have the wheels that are not as tiny while keeping the lower weight (Valco Snap Sport with the inflatable Sport wheels is reasonably light while could do this alright-ish, but look at the Joie Litetrax Air or the Oyster Zero Gravity, too).

Apart from that, I can only mention the Cybex Eezy S-Twist2 which is reversible while light and with a tad larger wheels. Ideally, you should try it out first as it's quite specific and definitely not all-terrain-

Your -very berry- Eli.

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