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Strollberry stroller expert Eli answers Q&A made for mums a stroller expert answers:

A light, compact pram to carry up the stairs that will work in the snow

A light, compact pram to carry up the stairs that will work in the snow

TJ • 27 Jul 2022


I live on the second floor so would have one set of stairs to climb up with the stroller (no space to store at the bottom).

I'm looking for a stroller that:
1) works in the snow (in Montreal), so sturdy/all terrain wheels and suspension
2) less than 22 lbs
3) Would ideally convert to double (although not crucial)
4) is very easy to fold up and hang on hooks on top of the stairs and doesn't take too much space.

Are these too many criteria? Are you able to suggest some that could work? I'm open to buying one second hand.

Strollberry pram expert Eli answers mums questions Eli • 28 Jul 2022

Hi, TJ,

The "works in the snow" plus the "less than 22 lbs" is an almost impossible combo, it is important to say. Even these two are so hard to put together, actually, that the single-to-double convertibility with a weight like this is pretty much out of the question, and again, your fourth requirement I can't even put into the equation anymore, that hard that combo is. Don't take too much space + for the snow is simply not possible.

My best bet here would be the Bugaboo Fox as it is light, yes, light enough, and it can ride even on two wheels when the snow is too much.

Apart from that, the Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 feelt like it could work, but on heavy snow, you will need to pull it behind you on its rear wheels (and yes, it is compact-ish, though you lose the option of the reversible seat).

I personally would definitely get the Fox and later on swapped it for something like the Baby Jogger (when the baby turns into a toddler).

Your -very berry- Eli.

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Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.