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A compact stroller for a smaller baby and traveling by car

Alex • 17 Nov 2022

Hi again Eli,

Thanks for your first response, it was very useful! After a lot of research, readying and listening to experienced moms I decided to go for a more compact stroller that I had in mind - since we are traveling (by car) every weekend.

However the ultra-compact strollers have so small wheels that makes me unsure… on the other side traveling by car it is important to have a compact stroller.

Here the shortlist I made:
- Yoyo- Joolz Aer(Both recommended by moms but I see them too “weak”… maybe because my baby is still small?)

- Maxi-Cosi Leona: looks very good on paper with all his features but the reviews are not that good…

- Easywalker Jackey

What’s your opinion and recommendations on these models? Any other I should consider?


Eli • 17 Nov 2022

Hiya, Alex,

From the list you have prepared, my absolute fav would be the Joolz Aer. The sturdiest of these, with the least slanted sea (the Yoyo is horrible in this, for smaller babies it is a very unnice position, and for larger toddlers the seatback is extremely short and not upright at all). Also, the Aer has the best wheels and suspension - still of course a travel stroller with small wheels so don't take it as an all-terrain one). The Aert, however, desn't like flat, so unless used with a car seat or a cot, it should be used from a time your baby already sits by itself.

If thinking about other options, I would probably consider the Ergobaby Metro Plus, lies flat and is super nicely padded as well as sturdy, or the Recaro Lexa.

Also think about just a flat, mid-size lightweight stroller for a bit more comfort for you as well as the baby - something like the oyster Zero or the Quinny Zapp Flex could work a bit better for you.

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.