< Stroller

G Lew says:
"The fabric is of great quality, and the seat is a really good size"
and gives the GB Maris 2

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I love how this has a great free-standing fold with the seat both parent and world facing. I have a larger pram that I use for off-roading which has to have the seat removed to fold, which is a pain.

The fabric is of great quality, and the seat is a really good size. This pushchair is great value for money but is def suited to smoother terrain. The handlebar is hard, so it isn't the comfiest to push; however, I haven't gotten sores or blisters from it as I have from other pushchairs. The basket is a good size but isn't that secure; I wouldn't recommend loading it with lots of heavy items.

This pushchair is also very heavy. I was hoping to use it for holidays because it folds all in one and has a super large hood, but the weight does make me question whether it would be the best to take away with us. Also, the way the handle folds means you scratch the handle with very little movement; if you are buying it second hand, you will just have to accept that they are all going to have these marks.

Adjusting the straps is a bit of a fiddle and therefore putting cosytoes on and off requires a little bit of extra work. I couldn't find a GB cosytoes to match, which really annoys me. But I bought a universal one with a great colour match to my Posh pink Maris, and it fitted great.

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