< Stroller

havril says:
"We purchased it because of the carrycot, it was perfect"
and gives the BabyActive Mini-Mo

This is just one of the reviews of the BabyActive Mini-Mo stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to BabyActive Mini-Mo detail
  • Bassinet
  • Quick folding and unfolding
  • Weight
  • Car seat
  • Suitability for terrain
  • Seat from the 3 in 1 set
  • Many things made of plastic

We bought it second hand, but the stroller meets the needs of moms needing it for terrain. One of the advantages are the huge wheels, but that can also be a disadvantage.

We purchased it because of the carrycot, it was perfect. The car seat is also great, we still use it today. But the seat unit is not good, unfortunately. I would choose a different stroller the second time. And we don't understand (yet) why there is a space on the bottom of the cot for the bar that goes through the middle of the structure - as it doesn't fit.

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