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Baby Jogger City Tour 2: Everyday use buggy: Baby Jogger City Tour 2 or the Baby Jogger City Mini2 4? Is any of them suitable?

Rc • 01 Nov 2021


Would this work for everyday use and fairly long walks or would another pram be suitable or the Baby Jogger City Mini with the 4 wheels?

Eli • 02 Nov 2021


The City Tour 2, in my opinion, is not suitable for long, every day walks at all. This is a travel stroller (read more about ultra-compact travel strollers here), meaning it is best for occasional use, smooth surfaces, and travel (that is why it's so small, but then, the seat, wheels, and other features are also made smaller and simpler).

On the other hand, a mid-size lightweight forward-facing stroller such as the Baby Jogger City Mini2 4-wheels is just what I would suggest to you. It is light enough while more spacious, more durable, and better suited for everyday walks. Still not an all-terrain stroller (for such, the Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 would be much better), but for any normal use on smooth as well as a bit bumpy roads, it will work much much better.

So, no to the City Tour 2, but yes to the City Mini with 4 wheels!

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.