< Stroller

Kamille says:
"Who wants the newest that is on the market gets a beautiful double pram with all the bells and whistles"
and gives the Bugaboo Donkey 5

This is just one of the reviews of the Bugaboo Donkey 5 stroller. Check for more reviews, specifications, or ask our stroller expert: Go to Bugaboo Donkey 5 detail
  • Beautiful
  • High quality
  • Roomy seat and bassinet
  • wheels
  • A bit better folding, compared to the 3rd Donkey
  • Gorgeous materials
  • Expensive
  • Not that much better than the Donkey 3

I went to check the stroller, almost sure I'll buy it. Comparing it with the BGB Donkey3 that was actually cheaper, I didn't find that much to actually get it. The fabrics and details are cooler slightly, yes. The Stroller is gorgeous and looks high-quality. But it wasn't that better, compared to the third iteration. The seller actually helped me decide for the Donkey3. And I am happy about it, it work great (even if it's not a small stroller when folded, but hey, it's a double).

In any case, I can recommend it. Even the 5th Donkey. I mean, who doesn't need the extra few hundred or two, and wants the newest that is on the market, gets a beautiful double pram with all the bells and whistles.

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