MyChild Nimbus
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MyChild Nimbus

Parent reviews of the MyChild Nimbus

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  • XXL hood
  • Reversibility
  • Cushioning inflatable wheels
  • Full lie-flat
  • Large storage basket
  • Stable
  • Leg positioning
  • Heavier
  • Suitable for a larger car
  • Up to 15 kg

For me, the pushchair had a lot of advantages, but there were also disadvantages. So I will start with the advantages.

First of all, it was a beautiful, stable stroller designed for taller people. The extended canopy was top, after unzipping it there was no net, so even during cold sunny days, I could extend the canopy. The lying area was generous, the legs could be nicely extended. Positioning of the back and legs in a fully reclined position. The belly bar could be put down, the parent's handle extends in height in 3 levels, and a large shopping basket with a zippered part for more valuable things. At the back was a window made of plastic, so again during cold days, the little one was not blown over by the wind. I also appreciated the folding. It didn't fold into itself like a suitcase, but the seat part stayed on top, so I didn't have to take off the footmuff. The rear wheels have cushioning and are inflatable. The front ones are kind of rubber. Any terrain has never been too bad with this stroller.

Although a perfect-looking stroller, it had the disadvantage of being one of the heavier ones and therefore more cumbersome (for the car) strollers. But that's probably also because it's reversible. The second disadvantage is that it is up to 15 kg, although the frame seems strong and stable enough to carry 20 kg. But I guess you have to stick to the manufacturer's recommendations.

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