Baby Elegance Cupla Duo
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Baby Elegance Cupla Duo

Parent reviews of the Baby Elegance Cupla Duo

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Your questions about the Baby Elegance Cupla Duo


How much does the Cupla Duo buggy weigh?

Hey, Max,

The manufacturer says 10.2 kg. That will, I believe, be only valid for the frame, as a double buggy cannot possibly weight that much, unless it would be super thin and loose (that's a normal weight for a lighter - single - full-size pram). I've done some research and the realistic number is about 15 kg with the full setup with 2 seats / bassinets.

.eli - 05 Apr 2024

Hi, do you know what material are the wheels made?

Heya, Mihaela,

The front wheels are made of foam, the rear ones are covered with a tire - so, rubber.

.eli - 19 Jan 2024

Hi, we have a double Cupla duo. I'm looking to use it now for a singleton. Just wondering is there anything different we need to purchase? Or is it just all the stuff we had for the double.


Hiya, Gemma,

I believe you don't need anything special for your Cupla Duo to be used in the single mode. Simply use the one main seat unit / bassinet, and use the stroller without the double front adaptors and without the height adapter (if facing forward) for the main seat - like that, the center of gravity should be the most optimal. If necessary, you can use the heightening adapter for the bassinet at the start, when you want your baby closer. I am attaching a link to the Cupla Duo manual so you can consult that as well.

.eli - 28 Jul 2022

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