Hi there,
Which pushchair has the most seat space for a tall 3 year old - an Out and About NipperSsingle v4 or a Baby Jogger GT (discontinued model)?
Thank you!
Hi there,
Which pushchair has the most seat space for a tall 3 year old - an Out and About NipperSsingle v4 or a Baby Jogger GT (discontinued model)?
Thank you!
Hey, Lib,
Both of these are spacious, with the Nipper Single having a tall – 50cm backrest while the City Mini GT has one over 53 cm tall. I think you would fit your tall 3yo in both, however, the Baby Jogger is the a bit roomier one, especially because of how much space to the top of the canopy there is, and also because it hasn't that fied plastic footrest which is slant - the BJ's goes right down. A taller child would fit better in the Baby Jogger.