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Can a Nuna Pipa RX infant car seat fit onto a Cybex Priam?

Steve • 18 Sep 2023

Hi Eli,

Can a Nuna Pipa RX infant car seat fit onto a Cybex Priam 4?

Thank you so much!

Eli • 19 Sep 2023

Hey, Steve,

Nuna tries rather hard to make it so that the Nuna car seats will only fit the ring adapter - not the "universal" adapters Cybex strollers have, for example. I believe Nuna Pipa car seats were, and still should be, fitting those U-shaped Cybex/Maxi-Cosi adapters, however, officially, there is no such statement.

So, in theory, with the Cybex adaptors, your Nuna 0+ car seat should fit the Priam, but it is also possible it won't, especially as it is a newer model. So I cannot promise you that, and recommend either trying it out in a store, OR writing Nuna customer service to check with them directly.

Your -very berry- Eli.

Now, this is your place to ask. I'm listening.