GB (Goodbaby) is a blend of western culture and Asia. The brand creates a multi-national and supreme design of strollers and car seats connected to modern technology solutions. Their motto, ‘Future Perfect’, reflects GB’s effort to create iconic and trend-setting products. Goodbaby was founded in 1989 by Zhenghuan Song and rocketed since then. In 1993, Goodbaby became the No.1 stroller selling company in China. In 1996, they sold their first stroller in the USA. It took them three more years to become the largest stroller supplier for the US market. Goodbaby has expanded to the European market to become the largest stroller supplier to Europe four years later. Since 2009, one out of three strollers sold in China, North America, and Europe is from Goodbaby. Goodbaby owns many other related brands such as Cybex, Evenflo or Urbini. Apart from strollers, Goodbaby offers clothing, home textiles, and childcare products.
GB strollers respond to modern trends and innovative functions. The current stroller portfolio offers the basic Gold and the premium Platinum range. The Gold-line strollers offer stylish everyday solutions for transporting your child. One of them is the Pockit, the world's smallest folding stroller holding a Guinness World Record. The stylish Platinum strollers are represented by the high-fashion, luxurious Maris.